News & Events

News & Events

Stay up to date with all of the latest industry and legislative news relating to the safety and maintenance of workplace equipment.

We will post blogs relating to HSE prosecutions and HSE accident statistics, safety initiatives and topical events relating to equipment safety and the consequences of failing to maintain equipment at work across a wide range of industries – from farming to construction, warehousing to transport and logistics. In addition we will highlight how our Good to Go Safety inspection systems could help to improve workplace safety and help your company to reduce maintenance costs while complying with key statutory legislations such as PUWER, LOLER and WAHR.

We support National Scaffolding Week 2024
We support National Scaffolding Week 2024
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National Scaffolding Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the industry and provide advice, information and valuable insights which can influence the direction of training in the industry. The campaign, which runs from 7th – 11th October 2024 will showcase the diverse range of career options available within the industry; highlight achievements of both organisations and individuals operating within the sector and aim to inspire the next generation to take up a role within the scaffolding ...

When did you last check your car?
When did you last check your car?
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2% OF ALL ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO VEHICLE DEFECTS AND FAULTS Given that the National average age of UK vehicles is 8 years, it's no surprise that faults such as tyre blow outs, broken lights and smearing window wipers are causing accidents across the UK. ONLY 44% OF PEOPLE INSPECT THEIR CAR PRIOR TO TRAVELLING FOR WORK.. and of that 44% who do complete checks... • 30% don't check their oil levels • 42% have a warning light on their dashboard • 57% ...

Managing workplace hazards
Managing workplace hazards
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Managing hazards in a business is fundamental to maintaining the safety of employees. Under UK law, employers have a duty of care to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of all employees. This means it’s an employer’s responsibility to identify the hazards facing their employees and implement measures to mitigate them. It's fairly common for employees (and in many cases, management) to be unaware of the hazards they face regularly. Those who haven't encountered an accident often feel ...

Workplace Equipment Inspections - Construction - Farming - Warehousing
Workplace Equipment Inspections - Construction - Farming - Warehousing
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Numerous health and safety accidents or incidents occur every day due to equipment being used in the workplace that is improperly managed, maintained or is not made for the intended purpose. Industries such as farming and agriculture, factories, warehouses and construction are all high risk due to numerous equipment types being used daily. Employers are required to ensure that all the workplace equipment provided to employees is regularly inspected and maintained in safe working order. Th...

Motorsport engineering firm fined following HSE inspection
Motorsport engineering firm fined following HSE inspection
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A motorsport engineering firm based in Kent has been fined after Britain’s workplace regulator identified numerous health and safety breaches. Inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) visited Hispec Motorsport Limited - a specialist designer and producer of aftermarket brake upgrades for road, race, track, and kit cars. During their visits, the inspectors found serious breaches of the law and enforcement notices were issued. The subsequent investigation found the busin...

Why you should complete daily forklift inspections
Why you should complete daily forklift inspections
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Forklift truck inspections can increase productivity by up to 25%. Additionally it will reduce breakdowns by 70% and lowers forklift truck maintenance costs by 25%. Depending on the type of forklift truck, costs and technical sophistication, a broad spectrum of maintenance strategies should be applied. A faulty forklift truck may significantly slow or completely halt your entire production process. Poor maintenance strategies can reduce the overall productive capacity of a warehouse by 5...

Tragedy at Go-Kart Centre
Tragedy at Go-Kart Centre
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Capital Karts in Barking, East London has been fined almost £120,000 after an incident on the 6th August 2021. Newham youth group organised a fun filled day at Capital Karts with a group of teens, however the day turned to horror when one of the teens had to be resuscitated at the venue after her hijab (a traditional muslim headscarf) got caught in a go karts drive axle. Ruwaida Adan, 15, died in hospital of hypoxic brain injury and asphyxiation four days after she visited Capital ...

Worker loses two fingers - Company fined
Worker loses two fingers - Company fined
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An engineering firm in Perth has been fined £10,000 after an employee lost his little and ring finger. The worker, employed by Edwards Engineering (Perth) Limited, had been carrying out maintenance work on a grain dryer at East of Scotland Farmers on 28 June 2020. He inadvertently placed his hand into the blades of an unguarded rotary fan in the grain dryer. The fan was rotating at 1200 revolutions per minute when it came into contact with the worker’s hand. He was off work for sev...

Workers arm dragged into machine at textile factory
Workers arm dragged into machine at textile factory
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A textiles company has been fined £60,000 after an employee suffered serious injuries their right arm in an incident at a factory operated by Pin Croft Dyeing and Printing Co. Limited in Market Street, Adlington, on 20 June 2022. An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found the employee had been operating a large fabric spooling machine when the brake malfunctioned. During an attempt to manually slow the rotation of the machine, he broke both major bones in his forearm ...

Show your Forklift Trucks some love on Valentines Day
Show your Forklift Trucks some love on Valentines Day
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Show your Forklift Trucks some love on Valentines Day (and forever) - Give them quick pre-drive inspections to make sure they're doing ok ❤️ Monitoring all your forklifts and assessing their environments with regular (pre-use / pre-move) forklift safety inspections will help achieve a safer workplace environment for employees. Pre-use / pre-move forklift checklists will not only increase the likelihood of spotting a fault early before it deteriorates further, but it also provides employees ...

How often should you carry out warehouse racking inspections?
How often should you carry out warehouse racking inspections?
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Damaged pallet racking is not only a severe health risk to workers in warehouses, but also a financial nightmare to any business. As an employer, you are legally required to implement and maintain procedures that minimise these risks. Racking inspections are a form of risk assessment. They look for any damage in the racking and can highlight vulnerable areas. The inspection is a crucial opportunity to identify, repair, or replace any areas of damaged racking. The Health and Safety Executive r...

Mother grieves loss of son and HSE deem accident preventable
Mother grieves loss of son and HSE deem accident preventable
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A 24-year-old engineer was fatally crushed whilst attempting to repair a factory goods lift with his colleagues on the 14th January 2020. Lift Monitoring Systems Limited, previously known as RJ Lift Services Limited, was fined £200,000 after a HSE (Health and Safety Executive) investigation into the death. The following information was found during the HSE investigation: Lewis McFarlin (the victim) and two other lift engineers were on site to work on a different lift before bei...

Now's the time for farms to change
Now's the time for farms to change
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Farmers are being reminded they must change their attitude towards safety as Britain’s workplace regulator readies itself for a wave of inspections in the coming months. Inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will visit farms across England, Scotland and Wales as part of a push to change the culture in the industry and check for compliance with long standing legal requirements. People on farms are 21 times more likely to be killed in a workplace accident than other i...

Tyre Safety Month
Tyre Safety Month
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TyreSafe has announced the launch of its highly anticipated “Safe and Save” campaign as a part of this year’s Tyre Safety Month - a campaign which aims to educate and empower motorists across various groups to prioritise tyre safety, save money, and reduce the risks associated with driving vehicles with worn or under-inflated tyres. Tyre safety month, which runs throughout October 2023 and provides an opportunity for road safety professionals an ideal opportunity to run awareness, enforce...

Wood workshop fined after HSE inspection
Wood workshop fined after HSE inspection
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A Lincolnshire-based workshop has been fined after his employees were exposed to a hazardous substance. Inspectors found a significant build-up of wood dust and that Local Exhaust Ventilation systems, provided to capture wood dust and protect employees, had not been thoroughly examined and tested. The HSE prosecuted Chris Buckley, trading as The Furniture Chest of Station Road, Heckington, Lincolnshire, on the 7th April 2022. A subsequent HSE investigation found Chris Buckley had faile...

National Forklift Safety Day 2023
National Forklift Safety Day 2023
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In the UK, we bear witness to over 1300 fork lift truck accidents every year, which means on average there are five accidents every workday in the UK that involves a forklift. In the US there are over 35,000 serious injuries every year due to forklift operation and OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) estimates that over 70% of these incidents were preventable. It’s easy to lose sight of safety in the rush of everyday life, thats why Forklift Safety Day is so important...

Recycling Company Fined After Accident
Recycling Company Fined After Accident
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A 51 year old mans right leg was amputated above the knee after he was struck by a telehandler on the 16th March 2022. An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that Eco Waste and Recycling Limited had failed to act on risk assessments and adequately separate vehicles and pedestrians at its Hullocks Pill Hill, Newnham site. Had they acted on risk assessment details, the man would not have been struck by a reversing telehandler whilst he was sorting recyclable materi...

HSE clamps down on fairground rides
HSE clamps down on fairground rides
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Starting on 24 April, the HSE (The Health and Safety Executive) will carry out 100 targeted inspections of fairground and theme park rides following a string of incidents throughout the UK. The campaign's strategy is to promote the safe use of fairground rides and inflatable devices and reduce the risk of catastrophic incidents. The campaign is targeted at both theme park sites and travelling fairgrounds and is set to finish by September 2023. It wasn't long ago that we wrote about an inciden...

Mechanic saves eight lives
Mechanic saves eight lives
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Eight lives were saved after Joseph Robinson, 39, a mechanic from Clitheroe donated his body for organ donation. This inspiring, yet tragic story started on the 13th October 2020 at the site of E. Jackson Limited in Salthill Industrial Estate, Clitheroe, where Joseph Robinson was working as a mechanic. On that day, Joseph was attempting to fix a steering fault on the firms forklift truck."Joe was always going to be a mechanic. As a little boy he loved to take things apart, see how they worked...

Coming Soon - Dumper Truck Inspection Checklists
Coming Soon - Dumper Truck Inspection Checklists
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Good to Go Safety are pleased to announce the launch of a new inspection checklist system. The latest addition was developed following requests from numerous customers to add a Dumper Truck (otherwise known as a Tipper) to our checklist range. We take our customers' comments and suggestions seriously and after thorough research and development we are pleased to announce that our new Dumper Truck inspection checklist will be available to order from May 2023. Dumper Trucks cause around a one...

Showing 1 to 20 of 48 (3 Pages)