News & Events

News & Events

Stay up to date with all of the latest industry and legislative news relating to the safety and maintenance of workplace equipment.

We will post blogs relating to HSE prosecutions and HSE accident statistics, safety initiatives and topical events relating to equipment safety and the consequences of failing to maintain equipment at work across a wide range of industries – from farming to construction, warehousing to transport and logistics. In addition we will highlight how our Good to Go Safety inspection systems could help to improve workplace safety and help your company to reduce maintenance costs while complying with key statutory legislations such as PUWER, LOLER and WAHR.

Fire Safety Regulations - Be a Responsible Person with TakeAIM
Fire Safety Regulations - Be a Responsible Person with TakeAIM
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The Government continues to implement new legislation following the Hackett review and Grenfell Tower Inquiry. This has resulted in amendments to the existing Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (Fire Safety Order) which governs day to day fire safety. There are also very challenging new fire safety regulations – the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 – which came into force on 23 January 2023. With these regulations now in place, we thought we'd remind everyone that TakeAIM can he...

Father of two left in coma following fall at work
Father of two left in coma following fall at work
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The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) carried out an investigation following an incident at British Airways Maintenance Cardiff Ltd on 10th November 2019. The findings showed that the company had failed to adequately analyse the risks of working at height due to the removal of guard rails on the docking platform. Iain Mawson, a British Airways Maintenance Cardiff Ltd employee, was placed into an induced coma for three weeks as a result of the fall. He suffered multiple skull fractures and ...

Company fined £200K after employee falls 8 metres
Company fined £200K after employee falls 8 metres
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The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) conducted an investigation after a Scottish man named Robin Williamson suffered live altering injuries. The HSE found that City Property (Glasgow) did not plan, organise and supervise the work, to ensure that all risks were identified and adequate precautions were in place. Robin Williamson suffered the horrific injuries after falling eight metres whilst carrying out an asbestos survey on the roof of Netherton Community Centre, Glasgow on 5 April 201...

Opportunity for Transformation
Opportunity for Transformation
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It's 2023, with 2022 seemingly coming and going in the blink of an eye, but as we take our first few tentative steps into a New Year, there comes the opportunity for transformation, development and improvement. I don't know about you, but i used to find it quite difficult to give up certain habits and routines - even when there were easier ways of doing things. What can I say, I don't like change, I’m a creature of habit. Routines used to (and still do) give me a sense of stability and order...

LPG Forklift Truck Safety Alert
LPG Forklift Truck Safety Alert
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The UK Material Handling Association have recently released their latest Safety Alert which looks at cold starting an LPG truck engine. This Safety Alert has been issued following some reports of users of LPG powered trucks experiencing issues with the start-up process. David Goss, UKMHA Technical Director, explains, “Investigations into the root cause are ongoing, but instances where a build-up of deposits in the evaporator (pressure regulator), flow regulator and shut-off valve have been id...

The Monster in your Closet
The Monster in your Closet
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As young children we have all been told fairy tales, myths and legends. Innocent youngsters simply absorb the delight and magic that centres around the likes of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy; Similarly they may tremble or hide beneath the blankets when told about Ghouls, Witches, Werewolves or Monsters that may live in their closet. As adults we start to recognise that many fairy tales and the legends behind them, are actually watered-down versions of uncomfortable histor...

Sometimes it's "Good to Go" around in Circles
Sometimes it's "Good to Go" around in Circles
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It’s not always obvious where to start with managing driver risk. After all, there are so many different areas that need to be tackled. And how do we know whether what we’re doing is good or bad, or whether we have any glaring gaps. It’s easy to feel like we’re just going round in circles. There is a simple process that can help you, based around four easy-to-understand steps: 1. Benchmarking – Do I need to improve? 2. Gap Analysis – If I need to improve, where do I start? 3. Action – How ...

Even Santa uses TakeAIM
Even Santa uses TakeAIM
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When it comes to checklists, there's no one more proficient than Santa. He has a checklist for good, a checklist for bad and since he found TakeAIM, he's managing them all digitally. Here's what Santa said about TakeAIM: As the Holiday season approaches, billions of people World-wide begin counting down the days until they can enjoy family get-togethers, gift giving and / or time off work, ho ho ho. As Christmas approaches some businesses begin to wind down as others see an influx of ...

Tyre Blow Outs & Illegal Tyres on UK Roads
Tyre Blow Outs & Illegal Tyres on UK Roads
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I don't know about you, but whenever i see the husk of a blown out tyre at the side of a dual carriageway / motorway, it gives me the chills. The rubber fragments and skid marks weaving across the lanes is a firm reminder that tyre blowouts are common and extremely dangerous. Whilst analysing almost 400,000 cars over a 21 month period, Evans Halshaw found that on average 26% of UK motorists had at least one illegal tyre. Read Evans Halshaws full findings - click here Workers such...

The Benefits of Pre-Drive Checklists
The Benefits of Pre-Drive Checklists
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Driving may be one of the most hazardous working activities in the UK The government’s Work-Related Road Safety Task Group estimates that up to a third of all road traffic accidents involve someone who is at work at the time. This may account for over twenty fatalities and 250 serious injuries every week. Managing the risks to employees who drive at work requires more than just compliance with road traffic legislation. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers t...

Brick and Mortar are not inherently safe
Brick and Mortar are not inherently safe
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A story recently posted by the EuroNews told readers how one person prevented a catastrophic loss of life by reporting an unsafe building. The sharp-eyed man alerted emergency services after seeing cracks appear in a four-storey building. The building which was made up of both commercial and residential properties was cordoned off by the fire department and evacuated. The building then collapsed, the firefighters rescued one person from the rubble, with only light injuries and one death was late...

In memory of Steven - story
In memory of Steven - story
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A recent blog by Brake (the charity who organise #RoadSafetyWeek), highlighted the tragic and traumatising death of Steven, a husband, father and grandfather. The incident happened on Netherfield Lane near Ollerton when driving home after a family day out. After a day of strawberry picking with his grandchildren, a 20cm slab weighing 8.5kg fell from the load of a lorry, flew through the windscreen and killed Steven instantly. The horrific accident was witnessed by his wife, as well as their ...

Why fleet and driver safety shouldn’t be a lottery
Why fleet and driver safety shouldn’t be a lottery
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The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) have investigated an accident where a HGV driver suffered fatal chest injuries. The driver was unstrapping a load on the flatbed trailer, when the load (steel gates) fell and tragically crushed him. Andrew Bayley-Machin, 41, was fatally crushed after the steel gates fell approximately 10 ft from the trailer. Do you play the National Lottery? Millions do and, every week, they buy a ticket in the hope of winning the jackpot. Yet the odds of doing that a...

HGV driver suffers fatal injuries
HGV driver suffers fatal injuries
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The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) have investigated an accident where a HGV driver suffered fatal chest injuries. The driver was unstrapping a load on the flatbed trailer, when the load (steel gates) fell and tragically crushed him. Andrew Bayley-Machin, 41, was fatally crushed after the steel gates fell approximately 10 ft from the trailer. The investigation by the HSE found that planning arrangements for restraining the load were inadequate. Heavy goods should be stable independent ...

Road Safety Week begins next week
Road Safety Week begins next week
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Every year, Road Safety Week 2022 sees thousands of schools, businesses and communities involved. The theme of Road Safety Week 2022 is SAFE ROADS FOR ALL, bringing together communities, businesses and professionals to shout out for everyone's right to make safe journeys on every road. Those involved in Road Safety Week share important information, raise awareness and help raise funds to help Brake care for road victims. TakeAIM and Good to Go Safety support #RoadSafetyWeek and with just ...

Managing Work-Related Stress and Mental Health
Managing Work-Related Stress and Mental Health
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The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) launched a campaign called Working Minds last year, the campaign is aimed at providing employers and workers with advice and tools to help recognise the signs and causes of stress, anxiety and depression. Whether you're a small business or large corporation, the law requires all employers to carry out stress risk assessments and act upon the findings to prevent work related stress and support good mental health in the workplace. Statistics published b...

The leading cause of workplace fatality
The leading cause of workplace fatality
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As the lights flash in your eyes and the music pounds in your mind, the host of your favourite tv show faces you... here it comes, the bonus prize question. Your heart begins to pound as you realise that your chances of getting on the property ladder, comes down to this one simple question. What could it be. "What is the leading cause of work-related fatality?"... It spins in your head for what seems like minutes, echoing and getting ever louder. "What is the leading cause of work-related...

The Most Common Forklift Accidents and How to Prevent Them
The Most Common Forklift Accidents and How to Prevent Them
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Every year in the UK there are hundreds of serious injuries, including fatalities, to forklift truck operators and pedestrians, which could have been prevented if staff were properly trained and followed safe systems of work. Within the material handling industry alone, there are over 1,300 forklift truck accidents a year, which means on average there are five accidents every workday in the UK. When we look at statistics from the United States, these numbers are even more staggering with ...

Factory and Warehousing Safety Tips
Factory and Warehousing Safety Tips
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Factories and warehouses have numerous health and safety risks. If you fail to manage them, your business may face a number of different issues such as lost working days, injuries and in the worst case scenario, fatalities. As an employer, you are legally required to implement and maintain procedures that minimise these risks. Safety measures must protect workers from factory and warehousing hazards and enable workers to carry out their jobs safely. Maintaining good safety will not...

Man falls from Rollercoaster
Man falls from Rollercoaster
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A situation of nightmares comes true at Oakwood Theme Park in Wales on Sunday the 23rd October 2022. Riders of a rollercoaster heard "horrific screams" as a man and his teenage daughter held on for their lives after their support bars failed leaving them dangling from the carriage. Eye-witnesses said that the man fell to the ground with a "bang" and that his daughter was only saved from falling from the 26ft rollercoaster due to riders in another carriage. Aaron McCalmon, 47, sai...

Showing 61 to 80 of 102 (6 Pages)